Public policy

Culture and Health cooperation is the fruit of a long process of interdepartmental reflection built up over more than 20 years.



First “Culture at the Hospital” programme


Agreement between the Ministry of Culture and Communication and the State Secretariat for Health and Social Action aimed at developing and strengthening the emergence of a cultural policy within health establishments


Kouchner Law 2002-303 on patients’ rights and the quality of the healthcare system. Introduction of mediation in hospitals.


Regional programme set up in Aquitaine and Limousin


The “Culture and Health” agreement confirms the policy of culture in public health establishments. Each year, a call for projects is launched to set up cultural projects in health and medico-social establishments.


Regional programme set up in Poitou-Charentes


Merger of the regions. First Culture and Health agreement in New Aquitaine.



Since 2021, the new Culture and Health partnership agreement signed between the ARS, the DRAC Nouvelle-Aquitaine and the Région Nouvelle-Aquitaine has set itself the following objectives:

  • Encourage the emergence and development of a cultural policy within health and medico-social establishments for the benefit of users and staff,
  • Open up establishments to their local environment by developing cultural exchanges,
  • Support the structuring of a cultural policy in establishments and the bringing together of healthcare and cultural players,
  • Encourage cooperation between different levels of government,
  • Encourage the emergence of innovative initiatives (new technologies & connected culture, cross-disciplinary projects, mixed audiences in practice, new tools for promoting initiatives, etc.), and the sharing of experience (pooling of resources, networking between project leaders or workshops for analysing practices),
  • Ensure a balanced distribution of projects throughout New Aquitaine.



The foundations of this joint policy are based on a shared desire to contribute to the democratisation of culture and to the defence of the citizenship of people weakened by illness or disability.