Take Care


The Take Care project aims to empower those who care for people in vulnerable situations (loss of autonomy, illness, etc.). Family carers, professionals working in the social, medico-social and health sectors, volunteer carers – these people play a fundamental role in our society. However, they are often confronted with multiple difficulties that can lead to burn-out or self-forgetfulness. The innovative teaching offered through our training programme is based on the ability of the arts and experience to reveal skills, boost self-esteem, reconnect people to themselves and to others beyond their functions, and promote their quality of life. By offering artistic and cultural mediation in local areas through third-party venues, we will be able to equip people to deal with the difficulties associated with their role as carer and enhance their practices.




  • A collective adventure for family carers and professional carers (home help, nurses, care assistants, etc.)
  • An educational approach based on the arts and the senses
  • A caring and reassuring environment in which to connect with yourself and others, become aware of your skills and strengthen your power to act
  • A space for exchange and mutual support, in a third environment




  • Reinforce the desire to take care of yourself
  • Learn how to better identify and welcome your emotions
  • Discover tools and techniques for taking care of yourself as a carer
  • Feel energised or re-motivated
  • Feel recognised in your caring role




The project will be tested in two areas: La Creuse and Gironde (Bordeaux metropolitan area). The aim of this multi-site approach is to target areas with different characteristics and/or partnership ecosystems, so as to be able to identify the factors determining the success of the project: from the mobilisation of training trainees to the impact of the training.


IS WHEN ? 4 sessions of 1.5 days


Course 2


  • 19-20 september 2024 ” Words, sounds, music and writing ”
  • 9h30 à 16h30 & 9h30 à 12h30
  • 26-27 september 2024 “ Body, movement and care “
  • 9h30 à 16h30 & 9h30 à 12h30
  • 10-11 october 2024 ” Words, sounds, music and writing ”
  • 9h30 à 16h30 & 9h30 à 12h30
  • 17-18 october 2024 “ Body, movement and care “
  • 9h30 à 16h30 & 9h30 à 16h30


With artists Katia Petrowick and Philippe Lopes



Two more routes to come in 2025



IS WHEN ? 4 sessions of 1.5 days

Course 2



  • 12-13 september 2024 ” Words, sounds, music and writing ”
  • 9h30 à 16h30 & 9h30 à 12h30
  • 23-24 september 2024  “ Words, sounds, music and writing “
  • 9h30 à 16h30 & 9h30 à 12h30
  • 3-4 october 2024 “ Body, movement and care “
  • 9h30 à 16h30 & 9h30 à 12h30
  • 14-15 october 2024 ” Body, movement and care ”
  • 9h30 à 16h30 & 9h30 à 16h30


With artists Elie Briceno and Roxanne Marès



Three more sessions to come in 2025





Caregivers : Free

Professional carers : 500 euros

May be covered by your OPCO or France Travail

Can’t attend all the sessions? Don’t worry, the course can be adapted to suit you! Contact us to discuss it!





Additional information

Meals will be provided for participants on full days.





The Take Care route is supported by :